In this week end, I attended the ILI's Annual Picnic at Look Park-Florence. Most of participants brought their traditional foods. It means international dish for share. Before the day, I discussed with Mas Irfan about what kind of food we should bring, and we decided to bring bakwan for the picnic. To make sure the ingredients of bakwan, I did a small research in the internet. Not only that, mas Irfan also send message to his wife. On Sunday morning, we (Mas Irfan and I) cooked bakwan in my house. It was 12.00 pm (noon) when Jeong Ha, a friend, pick up us. We prepared all bakwan very quicly. In addition, we prepared extra box in case the bakwan isn't finished. Then, we arrive on time at Look Park. In fact, not take a long time for bakwan to going finish. All bakwan was gone. Most of participants liked the bakwan, and ask how to make it. Few people miss the bakwan. One teacher asked me to make again as a homework.Wah! The most surprising is the day after picnic that my frien...
Salam dari generasi penerus Teh Aida di STKS Bandung..
Uwh..Enaknya bisa ngerasain Autumn di USA..Jadi pengen he he..
Seperti tahun-tahun yang dulu Teh, para Mahasiswa IB masih saja kurang jelas nasibnya. Kami harus usaha keras buat jalin komunikasi untuk bisa mendapatkan kerja nantinya..
Nah, di sini saya dengan sangat mohon sudilah kiranya Teh Aida berbagi informasi mengenai lowongan kerja dan juga kalo ada beasiswa buat neruzin S-2 ke luar negeri(Saya berambisi untuk bisa ke Jepang/USA)..
BLOG saya di BLOGSPOT ini sudah lama, bahkan sebelum saya masuk di STKS..
Kalo ada waktu please visit my own BLOG at
Sebelumnya saya sangat senang sekali Teh bisa mengenal Anda dan insyaallah nantinya saya sendiri juga yang akan dibanggakan oleh semua orang terutama keluarga dekat saya..
Ganbatte ne..